Trees: A valuable gift of nature

Trees:  A valuable gift of nature
Photo by Natalie Thornley / Unsplash

The earth consists of many land areas which had covered with vast forest areas. The greenish appearance of the earth is due to these forested areas, whenever we get a bird view of our planet. The Amazon forest is considered to be the largest forest remains on the planet. It's said that forests are known as "green gold". These forest areas are habitats for both flora and fauna. The biodiversity of the forests is created by these different fauna and flora species. Flora available on the earth includes trees, shrubs, veins, grasses, etc.
Trees have different kinds of significance as cultural values, religious values, medicinal values, etc. The Buddhists in the entire world worship the Bo tree based on its religious significance. In my point of view, trees are our best friends who provide many benefits and advantages for all the living beings of the world. Those are essential for the survival of human beings on Earth.
Among the numerous benefits that trees provide, fruits and yams that are being consumed by both human and animals play a significant role. Further trees provide shade for travelers. And also animals use these shades as habitats for them. They also provide shelter to innumerable birds and insects. Trees help to keep the environment clean by removing CO2 from the environment which supports avoiding the effects of greenhouse gasses. They absorb harmful carbon dioxide from the air and fill the atmosphere with precious oxygen.
In addition to those, trees provide numerous important raw materials for our industries. The wood that we use for furniture, housing, railway carriages, and ships comes from trees. Whenever we cut a tree for wood, even sawdust is used for the wood composite in the current market while having the benefits from the novel technology. Wood is also used as a source of fuel. Further, it is used to make charcoal. The wood pulp that we take from the trees is the raw material that is used for the paper industry and artificial yarns like nylon. In addition to that, trees provide many non-timber benefits including various types of spices, medicines, rubber latex, eucalyptus oil, and many more. In some trees, almost all the parts are used for medicine, especially under treatments of indigenous medicine.
With the technological development after the industrial revolution, our environment has been affected badly more and more often. Since being a part of the environment, trees face a large threat to their survival. Large-scale industries cut trees to acquire land to establish their factory premises or use trees as input for the production process. The cutting of trees has caused the reduction of the green cover of our planet.
Since we are benefited from trees in many ways, without trees our survival is under threat. Therefore we have to contribute with the determination to save trees on the planet. The previous generations of the earth used to respect trees. Even they worshipped trees. Then only we can save our own lives. It's our responsibility to promote more and more new planting in our surroundings. In light of the old saying "Thousand trees should be planted whenever you cut one tree", we should plant trees in our gardens. On special days like our birthday, we can plant a tree in our garden and protect it by giving it enough care. Sinhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka plant a tree in each new year festival along with the other auspicious things that they do in order to celebrate the new year season. Since trees are our friends, we should not involve with cutting trees. We had better water and manure than the trees that had been planted already. So much better if people grow trees in their own gardens. All in all, it's our responsibility to protect trees for our own survival and for our future generations as well.