"Tourism - Is it good or bad"

"Tourism - It's good or bad"
Photo by Elizeu Dias / Unsplash

The business of providing services such as transport, accommodation, or entertainment to foreigners who are on holiday is tourism. Most of the areas of the world are famous for tourism. Each country is having tourist attractions to where different tourists with different tastes would go and visit. As an industry, tourism plays a significant role in the economic development of any country. Tourism has both advantages and disadvantages. Today let’s take a look at the good things/advantages and bad things/disadvantages of the tourism industry.

Tourism is associated with many advantages. One important advantage is that tourism is a major foreign income earner for most countries. Most of the developing countries benefited mostly through tourism. Foreigners spend a lot of money on their accommodation, traveling and purchases, etc while on the tour. Moreover, when tourism functions well a lot of investors start businesses creating new jobs both directly and indirectly, in the fields including hotels, spas, the transport sector, etc. Through tourism, we can learn habits and practices, skills and abilities of people belonging to different cultures. Good things like these can enrich our life too. Tourism also helps to strengthen international relationships. In the present world, no country can remain isolated. The tourist industry creates a good environment for accepting, exchanging, and sharing ideas and views among different nations. Tourists visit these places with appreciation and they have the responsibility to protect such tourist attractions for the next generations. Therefore, we can conclude that tourism has good things.

Other than such good things a country can suffer from disadvantages of tourism too since there are bad things about tourism. Anti-social activities and malpractices like drug trafficking gambling obscene films and magazines, child abuse, and the spread of drugs etc. can increase due to tourism. Besides these losses of antiques and danger to flora and fauna also occur due to tourism. Distortion of cultural activities to tourists' demand also sometimes happens in hotels and related places. Therefore, we can conclude that tourism has bad things too.

The tourism industry is beneficial for the economic development of a particular country even though there are bad things too. It is our responsibility to enhance benefits while reducing/managing bad impacts. What can we do about that? The adverse effects of tourism should be minimized by educating the public about the malpractices of those in the tourist industry. Rules and regulations against disreputable tourists should be strengthened. Police can keep a close watch on vulnerable sections of the coastal areas to prevent them from becoming victims of illegal activities carried out under the cover of tourism. Then we will experience a better tourism industry in our world.