The world without trees; what would it be like?

The world without trees; what would it be like?
Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel / Unsplash

Both flora and fauna survive on the earth by having many different interactions with each other. So both of them need to collaborate in order to assure their survival on the earth. The blueish appearance of the earth is due to the oceans which represent 71% of the earth while the other remaining represents the lands. The bird's view of our planet consists of a greenish color where the forests have been located. Trees are amazing creatures of mother nature that occupy an important place in the environment. They are a significant part of the existing biodiversity of the earth. Not only do they add beauty to the environment, they give everything to animals and humans. Therefore trees are beneficial for all on the earth.

Trees are useful to man for their day-to-day work in many ways. Trees supply man with food. They shelter us and provide medicinal products such as quinine and eucalyptus oil. Furniture is made using wood. The houses that we live in are made of trees. They reduce air pollution and global warming. Trees give oxygen after taking carbon dioxide. Trees moderate the climate. Trees attract rain-bearing clouds. Therefore trees are useful for humans. Trees balance the environment. Trees remove harmful particles through respiration. Trees avoid soil erosion. Through transpiration, they provide humidity to the surrounding environment while making it cooler. As we saw, trees give us everything but expect nothing back from us. That's really why trees are called our friends. But trees are being destroyed in the current world due to many reasons.

With the technological development that arose with the industrial revolution, people tended to industrialization. For these industries, they wanted more land. At the same time, the human population of the world increased. Then more land was needed for housing and other constructions. And also many lands were used for crop plantations to fulfill the need for food while avoiding hunger. Further, cattle ranching with a high number of cattle needs vast areas for grass feeding. With these kinds of expansions, deforestation was initiated. Then the trees removed through these processes were used as raw material for the wood industry. But with time, the cutting of trees was started for raw materials for the large-scale wood industry. Even the firewood from trees was used as an energy source for industry. Now the forested areas have been reduced with the cutting of trees. This has initiated a lot of consequences while making it harder for all living beings to survive on the earth.

Land without trees is like fish without water. There will be scorching heat everywhere. With that, our biodiversity will be under a huge threat and most of the endangered species will be disappeared from the world with this increased temperature. It will be very hard for humans to live with that heat. As there are no barriers, soil erosion will occur. With the higher evaporation rates, the surface water will be reduced. Our environment will be colorless and boring. There will be no vibrant and healthy green anywhere. The survival of humans will be affected in numerous ways. The greenhouse gas impacts will be increased. The climate of the world changes with these circumstances. Existing trees also can be died of these kinds of effects.

So it is our responsibility to protect our trees. Therefore let's plant more and more trees while protecting the existing ones. In the end, we will be able to beautify our mother nature. Let's follow the great saying "plant thousand of trees whenever a tree is cut".