The person who inspired me the most

The person who inspired me the most
Photo by Dan Russo / Unsplash

There is a list of famous people in the world who became famous for different reasons and they inspire other people to achieve certain targets. Some people outdo in some fields like sports, singing, dancing, etc. That's how we today speak about famous scientists, actors, inventors, sportsmen, etc.

Among the famous people I know, the person who inspired me most was a freedom fighter from our neighboring country India. That person is none other than Mahatma Gandhi with his great personality. By going further, let's explore who is this great person and how he could inspire me most. ​

Mahatma Gandhi is an Indian who was born in India in 1869. With time he became young and got married at early ages of his life by following Hindu customs. Then he became a lawyer after receiving his higher education in India. Then ​his journey as a lawyer was initiated in South Africa.

Then when it was the time that Indians struggled for freedom from the British, Mahatma Gandhi came back to his motherland India. Then he contributed to the freedom struggle because he too wanted to free his motherland from British colonization. The way that the countrymen of India were constantly suffered by the British made Mahatma Gandhi work for freedom.

That's not the most interesting part of the story. ​ Even though Mahatma Gandhi saw how sad the way of Indians suffered he never guided them to use their hands against the British. The British governance in India was seriously affected by a protest organized by the non-violent campaigns of Mahatma Gandhi. Further Mahatma Gandhi doesn't stop at the struggle. Her guidance went far beyond for a better country for Indians.

In his journey towards a self-sufficient India, he requested and guided all the people to get a step further where they grow something that they need at least within their own home garden. Additionally, he encouraged Indians to make their own clothes by themselves, proving it by practicing the same effort by himself. That's how he became such a great​ person.

However, time passed and this great person died an unnatural death. Unfortunately, he was shot dead by an Indian on the 30th January 1948. But Mahatma Gandhi still remains in my heart ​as a true leader. Even though he could have spent a more comfortable life in South Africa as a lawyer, he came back to his beloved motherland and sacrificed his life for the betterment of all Indians. So there are a number of lessons from his life to be taken by all humans. That's why I believe Mahatma Gandhi is the person who inspired me the most. My wish is the earth would be fortunate even in the future to let such great characters be born and well survived.