Importance of Road Safety for Students - Essay in English

Importance of Road Safety for Students - Essay in English

Essay on Road Safety in English for Students 200 Words

As you aware the number of road accidents is increasing day by day. This situation has been arisen due to several reasons.

As school children we should know road rules well. We should walk on the right side of the road. If we want to cross the road, we should use the pedestrian crossing. We should not walk more than two abreast.

School children are among the largest number of road users in any country. Accidents take place almost every day. Unfortunately, a considerable number of the victims are school children. Therefore, special programs should be implemented to teach the children about road safety measures. Most of our brothers and sisters living in rural areas come to school on foot. They must be very careful because most of the drivers do not care the road rules or road signals. Some drivers are in the habit of driving under the influence of liquor. Brakes should be checked regularly. If you travel by bus or train you should realize the danger in travelling on the footboard. Sometimes you may be thrown off the vehicle. At present some accidents take place even at pedestrian crossings. This is a very sad state of affairs.

Essay on Road Safety in English for Students 300 Words

As you aware the number of road accidents is increasing day by day. This situation has been arisen due to several reasons.

As school children we should know road rules well. We should walk on the right side of the road. If we want to cross the road, we should use the pedestrian crossing. We should not walk more than two abreast.

School children are among the largest number of road users in any country. Accidents take place almost every day. Unfortunately, a considerable number of the victims are school children. Therefore, special programs should be implemented to teach the children about road safety measures. Most of our brothers and sisters living in rural areas come to school on foot. They must be very careful because most of the drivers do not care the road rules or road signals. Some drivers are in the habit of driving under the influence of liquor. Brakes should be checked regularly. If you travel by bus or train you should realize the danger in travelling on the footboard. Sometimes you may be thrown off the vehicle. At present some accidents take place even at pedestrian crossings. This is a very sad state of affairs.

It is essential for every child to know about the highway code and the road signs. You must have a thorough knowledge of road rules. If there is a pavement, we should use it without walking on the road.

The number of vehicles on our roads too is increasing day by day. Most of our roads are not in a motor able condition. Some roads have not been renovated for a number of years. They are full of pot holes. We should bring these matters to the notice of the responsible authorities. This can be done through our association.

If you follow the above-mentioned road rules you will never fall a victim of road accidents. Let's be cautious, alert and courteous when we take to the road.