Understanding and Managing Plastic Waste: Formation, Sources, Environmental Impact, and Solutions

Understanding and Managing Plastic Waste: Formation, Sources, Environmental Impact, and Solutions

Floating plastic bottles on the ocean, and throwing away straws are the major signs indicating that as human beings we are with the inability to manage the plastic waste created by our activities. In our day-to-day life, we use plastic material for different purposes. Then, in the end, these used plastic items would collect in the environment if we don't dispose of them properly.

Plastic waste is a major environmental problem that threatens the health and well-being of entire living systems including humans, animals, and ecosystems. Plastic is a frequently used synthetic polymer. which is made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. The material is used in a wide range of applications, including packaging, electronics, transportation, and construction.

Plastic waste is a threat whenever we are unable to manage it properly. Through this section, we would discuss

  • How plastic is formed
  • How plastic waste is generated
  • What are the sources of plastic waste
  • What are the environmental impacts of plastic waste
  • How can we manage plastic waste

How plastic is formed?

The formation of plastic includes a process called polymerization. Through polymerization, monomers (small molecules) are chemically bonded together to create a long chain of repeating units. It is called a polymer. Interestingly, the properties of the polymer can be tailored by adjusting the monomers and the conditions of polymerization.

How plastic waste is generated?

People in the world used to use plastics for different reasons. As a material plastic has unique properties that make it to be the most widely used material compared with its competing materials. Plastics are light in weight, versatile, durable, low cost of production, and safe and hygienic.

Whenever we dispose of used plastics, it becomes plastic waste. According to estimates, 40 million tons of municipal plastic waste has been generated in the USA in 2021. Further, the statistics indicate that India produces 3.4 million tons of plastic waste in a year.

What are the sources of plastic waste?

The sources of plastic waste are different and numerous. Some of the major sources including

  • Packaging
  • Single-use items like bags and straws
  • Construction materials
  • Electronic waste

What are the environmental impacts of plastic waste?

The environmental impacts created by plastic waste are far-reaching. It can be devastating either. Plastic waste can take hundreds of years to degrade. Often plastic waste ends up in our oceans and other waterways which can be clogged by them.
Marine life can mistake plastic for food when they see or they would become entangled in it, which can lead to injury or death of marine life.
Plastic waste also contributes to the formation of microplastics. If microplastics enter the food chain it would create unknown effects on human health.

How can we manage plastic waste?

Managing plastic waste sustainably is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. Reducing the amount of plastic we use in the first place by adopting more sustainable practices and products is one approach. For this, we can use reusable bags and containers, choose products with less packaging, and recycle plastic when possible.

Other countries have implemented various strategies for managing their plastic waste. For example, in 2018, China banned the import of plastic waste, since china had previously been a major destination for plastic waste from other countries.

A single-use plastics directive was adopted in 2019 in the European Union, aiming to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics. Further, it aims increasing recycling rates.

However, it doesn't mean that all attempts to manage plastic waste have been successful. For example, in some countries,  due to inadequate recycling infrastructure management is not successful. Then plastic waste ends up being dumped or incinerated. It leads to further environmental problems.

What we can do?

We as individuals have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of our entire world on which even our next generation would be able to survive. So let’s talk about the things that we can do to manage this scenario.

There are also simple approaches that any individual can take to manage plastic waste. These include
- Following proper disposal methods for plastic waste
- Effectively participating in community recycling programs
- Advocating for more sustainable practices in each sector including business and government.

In conclusion, we can say that plastic waste is a major environmental problem that requires a multifaceted approach to manage it effectively and sustainably. Simply by reducing the amount of plastic we use we can contribute to this. Further by improving recycling infrastructure, and adopting more sustainable practices, we can work towards a cleaner, healthier environment for ourselves and future generations.