Destruction of forests and its consequences

Destruction of forests and its consequences
Photo by Karsten Winegeart / Unsplash

The greener view of the earth is due to the forests available which are a noble gift of our mother nature. Destruction of forests or deforestation can be described as the removal of a forest where the land is thereafter converted to land without trees. This is occurring around the world targeting the rain forests all around the world. Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Congo, Africa, and many countries have faced this problem.

Destruction of forests is done to make more land available for various purposes including housing and urbanization, timber, construction of roads, growing crops, and cattle ranching. Common ways of clearing the forests are burning and clear-cutting. Since every action has a reaction, the consequences of these destructions are nevertheless. It is silly to think that those as simple scenarios.

Forests are complex eco systems that are important to the carbon cycle and water cycle that sustains life on earth. Destruction of trees can bring harmful changes in these cycles. 70% of the world's animals and plants live in forests and because of deforestation their habitats are destroyed. This leads to the extinction of animals. So deforestation leads to a great threat to the survival of both flora and fauna on the earth.

Trees play an important role in grounding water in the ecosystem and releasing it into the atmosphere. In the Amazon, more than half of the water in the ecosystem is held in plants. So the climate becomes drier without trees. Global warming can be resulted or further enhanced by deforestation. Trees anchor the soil and with increased exposure to the sun, the soil can dry out and increase flooding. Soil erosion can be increased. It makes the land unable to farm. Then the food supply to fulfill the demand of the expanding population of the world can be a risk.

So to prevent these destructions people have to take necessary steps. Planting new trees is the best way to overcome this problem. Recycling paper and buying recycled products is also another way. If we save the trees today we save the future tomorrow. So let's join our hands to stop deforestation while avoiding the harmful consequences of this deforestation.