Computer: is it a friend or foe?

Computer: is it a friend or foe?
Photo by Clément Hélardot / Unsplash

Computer is a great discovery which made a significant impact on people with the improvement of sience and technology. They have made it easier for us to do our works. Currently we are doing our works faster with computers since those don't get tired in the same way as people do. Even the accuracy of our works have been increased.

In the modern world, the computer has become an ordinary item on many households. We use access to internet through our computer. It's well advantage since internet is the main source of knowledge in the current world. With the COVID -19, computer was a friend of us. Computer was bringing the whole world to our doorstep.

Not only the households, almost all the companies are using computers for their daily operations. As a simple example, banks use their computer systems for their transactions and other related activities.

Align with the great statement "Each thing has two sides; good and bad", the computer has disadvantages too. Someone argues that it's not with the equipment but the user. It's because some people misuse it. Their misuse results in numerous illegal activities including fack documents, tarnishing images of particular people, money laundering.

There is a timely concern stating that this device has stolen the creativity of the people. It has made people blunt and lethargic, resulting people depend on computer even for simplest things. Though computer is a great source of knowledge, students are using them for playing games. Spending more hours at the computer have made children lazy and sick. Then won't tend to maintain interactions with the people around them.

Therefore as indicated above, it is crystal clear that computer has the possibility of become your friend or foe based on the way you use it. So let's be careful when we use our computers.