Tourism attractions in Sri Lanka and their benefits

Traveling is a passion of many individuals in the world. For many years people have started visiting places in their own country as well as other countries. People visit the places for many purposes. They like to experience and enjoy other countries' beauty, history, climate, and culture. Sri Lanka is a country with a great tourist attraction for both local and foreign tourists.

Ours, Sri Lanka, is a niche country that is surrounded by beautiful beaches. Based on its location, Sri Lanka is well known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean. The most beautiful beach attractions on the island are Hikkaduwa, Unawatuna, Trincomalee, and Galle. The tea estates, Pinnawala elephants' orphanages, ancient ruined places of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, and Sigiriya which are considered the eighth world wonder are some other tourist attractions we have in Sri Lanka. Thousands of tourists visit Sri Lanka annually, providing us with a large amount of foreign exchange.

We get many benefits from tourism. It creates great job opportunities. Some of them are transportation, hotel industry, guiding, cottage industry, food production, and the garment industry. Most tourists buy Sri Lankan handicrafts to take home as souvenirs. The unique Sri Lankan Ayurvedic treatments have become popular among tourists. Eco-tourism is a leading concept that is getting popular with time. With the improvement of tourism, the country also is developed with highways, beautiful places, shopping malls, and other facilities. In the current context, tourism plays a major role in assuring our income as a nation.

As tourism is a money spinner to our country, it is our duty to protect the places, which are attracted by the tourists. Making beaches and other beautiful places unpleasant by dumping garbage everywhere should be banned and necessary steps should be taken to clean those places in a manner. Begging money and stealing belongings also discredit the country's tourist industry and those things should be stopped with strict rules. Further, the remaining ruins which proudly say about the ancient fame of our country should be well protected. We, Sri Lankans are world-famous for our hospitality. So, we should protect our country as well as the tourist industry.