The most interesting person I know

Our life is a road through which we are walking and meeting special characters such as our beloved parents, teachers, relatives, friends, etc. Some of them can really change our life story with their influence and become the most interesting person in our lives. Here I am going to say about the most interesting person that I know in my life and how he changed my entire life while showing me the real way to my success.

According to my personal point of view, Mr. Abeysinghe is the most interesting person I know in my life and who could be the guide at the real turning point of my life. He is my English teacher. He is a handsome teacher regardless of his age. Even though he is 43 years old, he works with the courage and determination to contribute to our success in our academics. Since I met him in grade 6, he is teaching me very well. English is a secondary language for me. But Abeysinghe sir showed me the real need of studying English. As he explained English is a golden investment for our lives. Further as students now we are in real positions to invest in things for our future well-being through which we will be benefited in the future. I was very weak in the English language till I meet Abeysinghe sir. Now I can use the language well since sir taught me well.

My English teacher taught me not only English lessons but also good attitudes for me to grow as a good student. Based on my feelings he treats each student as if they are his own sons and daughters. We feel safe whenever sir is with us. At any moment he helps anyone who needs support. One day when I was at school suffering from a fever, he quickly carried me to the hospital by his own vehicle and did the needful to cure me of that disease. Even he contributed the evenings of each weekday to teach us further lessons. I think he is a great example for all the teachers.

Honestly, my future ambition is to be a teacher like my English teacher. Because he is the most interesting person I know. Following his way, I try to be the most interesting person in my students' lives. I would like to wish him a happy, healthy long life.