The advantages of learning a language other than the mother tongue

In ancient times in the prehistoric era, men didn't have a language to communicate appropriately with each other. But he conversed in a number of other methods. Cave drawings are one such way. Further, the ancient man-made various sounds to express his needs and wants. He had made hand gestures. As time went on man evolved, and so did his methods of conversing. As a new way, language was formed, connecting meaningless sounds to people, animals, places, things, and feelings. Various countries developed their own languages to suit their physiological build. Humans then began to write what they spoke, giving birth to alphabets and also giving a graphical representation of what they speak in a script. Man didn't have a need to learn other languages as he didn't have a need to learn other languages as he did interact with people from foreign countries, but with the Renaissance came sea voyages and the conquering of distant lands. Due to this, the man had to learn other languages.

A language is used basically for communication. It can be telling something to another person, or it can be telling something to yourself. Language is used to give meaning to our thoughts. With foreign Invasions came foreign languages. Countries that were colonized by foreign nations grew accustomed to their languages. The colonization of the British is the main reason to spread the English language around the world.

In the present the world has become globalized, therefore the need to learn other languages has become stronger. Foreign occupations actually need knowledge of foreign languages, and knowledge of foreign languages is given priority. For example, Euro rail drivers have to be bilingual as French officers don't speak English. Knowledge of foreign languages is also essential because some countries in the world are not yet exposed to the English language. Even in the tourism industry, knowing another language is beneficial to explain things to foreign tourists who are coming from different countries and communicating with them properly.

Further, there are many greater opportunities available in foreign countries for higher studies or doing jobs. Therefore it's required to learn other languages to achieve these opportunities. Whenever we buy an imported item, all the descriptions may be available in their language. That's why we need those languages. There are many great books written n foreign languages. Some of them have been translated into other languages but every book. Therefore, it can be said that learning other languages is advantageous as explained above. Let's determine to learn another language other than our mother tongue.