Species Diversity and it's Economic Benefits

The diversity of life that exists in our natural world is among the most amazing things around us. The immense biodiversity of the world provides many benefits including economic benefits. Humans have less representation of the planet's life but currently making serious consequences on biodiversity and it's values. But this is not to be left unchecked. It's our responsibility to protect this. Having a proper awareness of the values of biodiversity would ensure the survival of species within our nature.

Species diversity; a component of biodiversity, can be called a measure mostly related to biodiversity. Because the basic unit of biological classification is species. This is a scenario caused by the evolution of different species in a particular area. The economic benefits provided by species diversity is an amazing topic to be discussed.

So today let's discuss

  • Species diversity
  • Economic benefits provided by species diversity
  • Current threats to species diversity

The Species Diversity
Species diversity is the number of different species in an ecosystem and the relative abundance of each of those species. The species diversity will be higher when all the species in an ecosystem are equally abundant in the area.

The species diversity is higher in the tropical areas and the species diversity is getting along when moving towards the poles. The two constituents of species diversity are species richness and species evenness.

Species richness
The number of different species in an ecosystem is called species richness.

Species Evenness
Species evenness is the relative abundance of individuals of each of these species.

The Species rich environments are tropical rainforests, Coral reefs, and ocean bottom zone. In order to maintain the balance in a healthy ecosystem there should be a diverse and balanced number of species. These species depend on each other in direct ways or in indirect ways.

Each species in an ecosystem has a specific and important role in an ecosystem. When the ecosystem is more diverse it tends to be more productive, has the ability to withstand environmental stresses, is important for the survival of mankind, and is more sustainable, and more diverse.

The economic benefits are provided by the species diversity

  • Wild animals and wild plants provide food.
  • Tress provides timber and fuel wood.
  • Plants, microorganisms, and animals provide medicine.
  • Provide building materials.
  • Provide clothing materials.
  • Nature-based tourism.
  • Recreational activities like hiking, and fishing.
  • Pollination.
  • Degradation of soil.
  • Biomass and the recycling of organic waste.
  • Nitrogen fixation.

Examples of the economic benefits of species diversity

Pollination by Bees

  • Bees act as pollinators and help to pollinate cotton. Therefore people obtain higher yields of cotton and can use this cotton to make clothes.
  • Bees pollinate many vegetable and fruit plants and provide good crops to humans and other animals as food. For example Potato, Onion, Okra, Mustard, Papaya, and Watermelon.

Pollination by Bats

  • Durian (Durio zibethinus) is a fruit that has many medicinal benefits and it is used as a food source. Also, it is a commercially valuable fruit in Malaysia and Thailand. The island flying fox (Pteropus hypomelanus) is a large bat species and acts as the pollinator of these durian trees.

  • People think these bats damage the crops but in the end, it turned out that these bats are very beneficial because they pollinate the durian plant and help people to obtain durian as a food, and medicinal plant, and also to obtain an income.

  • Bats act as major pollinators of economically important crops throughout the tropics. For example Agave cactus.

Act as tourism destinations

People travel around the world to see the coral reefs, whales, Pandas, Amazon rainforest, Horton Plains, and Hikkaduwa beach. Some of these destinations are currently used as ecotourism destinations which is sustainable.

Use as medicines

Most pharmaceuticals are derived from naturally occurring compounds that are found in different species.

  • The Opium Poppy plant is used to make painkillers. For example Morphine.
  • The pacific yew plant is used to make drugs that inhibit cancer.
  • Use the saliva of leeches and vampire bats to make medicine that prevents blood clotting.

Provide timber for construction

Timber is provided by different ecosystems. Both softwood and hardwood species are found in different regions. As examples of timber-providing trees, Mahogany, Pinus can be shown.

Provide Fuel wood

Fuel wood is used as an energy source for different purposes. Fast-growing trees like Gliricidia, Acacia can be used as fuel wood.

Threats to species diversity

  • Climatic changes
  • Invasive species
  • Habitat loss through deforestation
  • Overexploitation
  • Environmental pollution
  • Illegal wildlife trade
  • Exotic species introduction

In conclusion, species diversity provides many economic benefits for humans. So it's our responsibility to ensure their well-being in nature, without compromising their activities. Because all species work together to support life and ecological balance on our planet. So if a species is at risk, the potential is there to lose the whole balance of the entire world. There are conservation programs focused on individual species. But it's necessary to remember that no species survive in isolation. All are having interactions. So it is essential to protect each species in nature.