My best friend

Our life is a pleasant journey through which we will meet many different people. Sometimes they suddenly appear and disappear. But some people remain with us. The connection that exists between us and them is called friendship. Then they become our friends. Everyone has friends with whom we can share our joy as well as the sad. Among them, the person who mostly cares for us becomes our best friend. That person will be the one with whom we are willing to share anything. Anne is the one in my life with whom I associate very closely. So she is my best friend.

Anne is a sixteen-year-old girl whom I met during my school studies. We were in the same class since grade 1. She is a kind and generous girl coming from a richer family. Her father, Mr. Perera is a well-known businessman in our area. Dr. Madhuri, her mother is a doctor at a private hospital. She is their beloved child since Anne doesn't have any sisters or brothers. They love her more and she too loves her parents. Everyone in the school loves her since she is a clever and obedient student. Her patience is amazing. She is always eager to collect knowledge. Both of us loved reading. Sometimes I wonder whether that made us very close. Each Sunday I would meet her at the public library with a book in front of her. She is maintaining a mini library at her own house too. Her passion for writing has brought her up to be the best writer in the school. But she will outdo her skills in the future.

I also prefer associating with her since she is such a noble character for anyone to follow. I really love how she spends her life. She is a kind-hearted girl. It is impossible to forget how she helped me and my friends during the COVID-19 period. Together with her parents, she distributed dry food and sanitary items to the public in my local area. I have never seen that she quarreled with others. In her free time, she usually goes swimming in the river nearby. Whenever possible, I don't forget to join with her. Further, she likes traveling and exploring new destinations to which she has never been before.

She always helps her friends with their school studies. I have observed how she became happy with doing this. She always has a smile on her face. Her curly hair makes her more beautiful. She prefers eating ice cream. She is also capable of horse riding and badminton. Once she was the leader of our college's badminton team. She teaches me how to play badminton since she has explored the value of engaging in sports for a healthy life.

Her parents too are as kind as Anne. They always work together with the neighbors. It may be the reason why Anne is such a good character. One day she needs to be a doctor. She is studying hard to achieve her dream. However, having her as my best friend is a kind of blessing in my life. Because I could learn many things due to her. I am eagerly waiting to see her success. Moreover, I try with my best to be a best friend to her too. We will explore the real essence of our lives with our friendship. Anne will be my best friend forever. Because I know A friend in need is a friend in deed. Anne is the best example of that great saying.